Friday, December 30, 2011

A Man's POV

So I was getting ready to share another story with you all today but then I came across something interesting.  An Indian man writing from his POV on arranged marriage.  Here's the link:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bhootni Ke

So, there was once a guy that we will call "Bhootni Ke."  This translates to "like a ghost."

Now, being called a ghost is no compliment.  But I think the name suits him perfectly.  I met this one online and he lasted a whole 2 weeks in my life.  Seems like he was around a lot longer than that.  I may live off Meany Ave; Bhootni Ke was the epitome of a meanie.
Bhootni Ke seemed nice at first.  We had some things in common.  He was from Thailand so it was pretty interesting to hear stories about his childhood.  He seemed ok to meet but thank goodness he revealed his ugly side before that happened.  This story is from 2010 right around the time I got injured at work.  The guy became such an unsupportive jerk when I mentioned I needed to start physical therapy for my leg.  Then, to top things off, he tells me he's gonna go to India for a friend's wedding but was going to also look at some girls while there for marriage, and if he was still single when he came back, then he wanted something to work out between the two of us.

Mind you, I'm a pretty nice person.  I've never yelled at anyone before until I met this one.  His ego was the size of Bill Gates' mansion.  Makes sense for a short guy of 5'2" right?  Napoleon must've been reincarnated through this one.... ok, that's mean for me to say, but this guy was SO MEAN!!!