Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Newlywed Me

Newlyweds for 25 days now!  Life is looking good right now.  

Sadly I got sick four days before the wedding and on the day of, I was constantly shoving cough drops in my mouth to avoid a coughing fit.  2 days after my Big, Fat Wedding, I got even more sick and finally caved in into going to the Urgent Care.

Surprise, surprise, I have a fever of 101.9F  I had some bad chills and it took so much energy to walk.  After 30 mins of waiting on the MD to see me, the RN got concerned and took my temp again- 102.9F  MD didnt take too much longer after that to come see me.

End result: suspected West Nile Fever vs. New Onset Asthma and Pneumonia

Awesome.  A great way to start a marriage right?  Needless to say I spent a week in bed.  I was supposed to start work 11 days after the wedding but I have to wait for my temporary Texas RN license to come in since my CA license isn't acceptable to work under here, even on a provisional basis.  Getting all this work stuff sorted has been an utter pain in the ass.  Took me 4 trips to the DMV before I finally was able to switch license -_-

In the meantime, Jabs and I have been lucky to have the place to ourselves during the day and really spend quality time together, which is so nice for many reasons:

  • We will be living with my in-laws, who are currently out of the country 
  • No honeymoon for us right now
  • We're both not working at this time- which hopefully never happens again to us
  • Gives us an opportunity to settle in and get to know one another well
Anyways, I am feeling much better and have gotten my voice back but a cough still lingers.  However, my spirit stays strong.

Friday, June 8, 2012

He Put a Ring on It

He put a ring on it.  He who?  Jabro.  Well, now I just call him Jabs.

We were officially engaged on January 27, 2012.  And since then, wedding planning has been in full swing, explaining my absence on here with my wild stories.

So, there are three girls in my family.  After me, my sister would've been next up for grabs, and after her, the little one.  But they both had boyfriends, and soon after my engagement, the little two soon followed suit.  My second sister is engaged to be married 2 weeks before me this year.  A decision that took me time to getting used to; all for the better I suppose.

Anyways, with 2 big fat Indian weddings coming up this summer, needless to say I've had a pretty full plate.  I am very excited for the summer though.  There are so many changes ahead.  Getting married, having a new place, living with the in-laws, and starting a new job. 

The journey ahead is going to be bittersweet but very welcome in the next new chapter of my life.  Let's do this!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Beginnings

Well, it finally happened. 

I met a guy who wasnt a total jerk.  In fact, he is the most sincere and down to earth man I've ever met.  The first day we met, I was very much guarded and a bit hostile if you must because I was just so sick of going out on a bad date, and I had to fly back to Texas to meet him.  Surprisingly, he kept winning me over throughout the night.

He's officially the 2nd guy I ever let hold my hand on a date.  Albeit, it was for only 30 mins.  I'm not a fan of holding hands- at all.  Makes me feel like a child.

Anyway, I met him again 2 days after our first meeting and as soon as I saw him, I just sat there on the couch in his living room thinking, "I'm totally gonna marry this guy."

Astonished?  So was I!  I'd only known the guy for a total of maybe 40 days!  Never in my life did I ever think I'd want to marry someone after one meeting/date.  I'm not in love with him just yet, but I'm very fond of him.  I'm slowly learning to open myself up emotionally to him and allowing him to fill this heavy void I've been carrying with me for a very long time.  I'm so excited for this year and my engagement in 27 more days!!!