Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Process of My Matchmaking

After the last post, I wanted to clarify some stuff so you all understand why I was telling my mom about the prospects.  There's a process to the match making.  This is the general idea.

Step 1: You look for a mate by either calling up some friends, or by getting calls from friends.

Step 2: You look up the family in the Matiya book.  (I shall explain this book in another post).

Step 3: Exchange the information if you choose to pursue the prospect.

Step 4: You give the parental units updates on how it's going or not going.  If it's going, you can tell other people who are calling about guys to back off for now.  And if it's not going, then the search continues by the parents.

Step 5: Accept or Reject the proposal.  In an arranged marriage, there is no get down on one knee and propose.  The act of asking for you is considered a proposal.  The formal proposal for us comes down the guy and girl saying they like each other and are willing to be engaged.  Simple.  If you reject the proposal, you tell your parent so that they can let the other party know you said "No."  and of course tell them why.  I tell my parents the real reason why bc they deserve to know.

So this is how my mom keeps them keeping one after the other. 

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